Water projects
Water Projects
The Milgis Trust has found that improving access to water for the Samburu and Rendille has hugely improved our conservation strategy.
Water shortage is the biggest problem in Northern Kenya, it is not uncommon for people to walk two days to get to a water source. Apart from relieving hardships among the communities, our water projects have proven to be extremely effective in implementing our conservation approach. Area's that do not have water projects rely on hand dug wells in the sand. These are shared with the wildlife which leads to human-wildlife conflict - elephants destroy the wells on a daily basis and livestock become easily predated. Our water projects have separate outlets for humans, livestock and wildlife. This reduces spread of disease as well as eliminating human-wildlife conflict.
Water projects are not simply 'handed out'. Communities that have proved their ability to co-exisist with wildlife and preserve the surrounding habitat receive priority on projects. Additionally water projects can lead to population increases in some area's - the Milgis is careful to implement projects in locations that are able to handle population fluctuations. Our strategy is to place projects outside of area's that host endangered species with the aim of reducing population stresses in that area providing the wildlife with less densely populated habitats.
" we are able to provide approx 50 million litres of water per year."
Ndonyo Nasipa Kasipo
Mpang (Mikenya) Loltepes/Sidai
Ndare - Entepes
Latakweny Masikita
Masikita Simiti Nkwe Eltome
Implementation Process
The upkeep of these projects is very costly ; we are very grateful to the following for their incredible support
Milgis Stiftelsen (Norge)
Lene Maria for Rent Vann
Aid for Samburu
Our tame water diviner assesses the area and chooses a drilling site
Either a well is dug or a borehole is drilled
The wells are lined and modified to be flood-proof
Panels and a Solar Pump are installed
Piping and tanks supply the water to community standpipe
A water project manager is assigned to clean the panels and maintain project